In my previous post we have successfully installed laravel on xampp<\/a> and tested via php artisan serve command. Artisan is the command line interface included in laravel. We will discuss more about artisan in my upcoming posts. SO if you want read by yourself then visit Artisan Console<\/a> on official laravel documentation.<\/p>\n But this means every time I want to run laravel, I have to use artisan serve command?<\/p>\n No no, You can also access laravel by hitting <\/a><\/p>\n By default laravel uses To overcome this issue most of the PHP developers (including me) create virtual host<\/a> for localhost . According to wikipedia<\/a>:<\/p>\nlocalhost\/laravel_folder_name\/public<\/code>. In our installation tutorial I renamed laravel folder to
my_site<\/code>. Below is the screenshot in which laravel site is showing using localhost\/my_site_public<\/p>\n
public\/index.php<\/code> to jump into its eco system. But using
localhost\/laravel_folder_name\/public<\/code> may create some internal linking problem in development.<\/p>\n